Thursday, June 27, 2013

Noy's First Oil Pastel Paintings

It was my first week working at a school in East Jakarta.

There was a display presented by Faber Castell.

I was so excited to see what they had. So, I went there after the class dismissal.

There were lots of good stuffs. But, only one object attracted my attention. It was one set of oil pastels. So, I couldn’t resist buying the set of 24 oil pastels.

Then, on the next days, I went to Gramedia Book Store near my house and bought a book (How to paint with pastels – Panduan Melukis dengan Pastel by Philip Berrill ‘The Flying Artist’).

At home, I looked through the book and tried to do the instructions on A4 paper. I preferred seeing the pictures to the words :D

My first trial was not so good. Haha... still needs lots of practices

But, I really enjoyed it, especially when I did these:








Then, I put it in a frame :)

Noy and the Girls 1

I'd like to introduced you to my two girls from college, Betty and Nophe

We haven’t met each other for almost 6 years.
So, I tried to make this drawing project to bring me and my friends together in one frame.

This was my first time to combine two different pictures together.

Still needs lots of practice, of course haha…
My friend’s hand was bigger than it should :D

Cheers :D

Miss u, girls:)

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