It was my first week working at a school in East Jakarta.
There was a display presented by Faber Castell.
I was so excited to see what they had. So, I went there
after the class dismissal.
There were lots of good stuffs. But, only one object attracted
my attention. It was one set of oil pastels. So, I couldn’t resist buying the set of 24 oil pastels.
Then, on the next days, I went to Gramedia
Book Store near my house and bought a book (How to paint with pastels – Panduan
Melukis dengan Pastel by Philip Berrill ‘The Flying Artist’).
At home, I looked through the book and tried to do the instructions on A4 paper. I preferred seeing the pictures to the words :D
My first trial was not so good. Haha... still needs lots of practices
But, I really enjoyed it, especially when I did these:
Then, I put it in a frame :)