Friday, July 5, 2013

Andreas and Daddy cc: Ms. Jeanne

It was in 2011 when my boss, Ms. Jeanne, gave me one set of charcoal pencils and a drawing book on my birthday.

She knew that I had so much passion in drawing and doing an art work.

I was so thankful for her and the present.

I planned to give her something in return. So, I got the picture of Ms. Jeanne’s son, Andreas, and her husband, Pak Anto, from her Blackberry display picture (Sorry, Ms. Jeanne, I stole the pic hehe =^_^=)

Andreas was so cute. He was sitting on his Daddy's lap.

So, I took my drawing book and drew the picture by using pencils

Oops, the cheeks were too big (Sorry, Pak Anto :D ) 

So, I erased some and fixed them

Then, I thickened it by using charcoals. 

My first experience of using charcoals was enjoyable. 

I was astonished by how they smudged and created the effects of shading.

Charcoals were great for sketching. They were rich and wonderful. 

Thank you, Ms. Jeanne, I really love my charcoals

So, after finishing the picture, I gave it to her and she really loved the result. I called it 'Andreas and Daddy'.

And, my journey with charcoals started here

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