Saturday, June 29, 2013

Window Paintings 1

I might say that I was lucky for working at this school.


Since they required the teachers to paint the windows for esthetical purpose, I gained my experiences working with paints too :)

So, in 2011, I had been introduced to this awesome technique by using sponge (thank to Ms. Helennor Lazco for bringing this idea to me)

It looks simple, but needs lots of effort.

So, how to do it?

First: you’re gonna need boardmarkers, paints, paintbrush, sponge (cut in pieces if necessary) and dry cloth.

Second: choose which side of the window that you’re going to paint. In my opinion, it’s better to do it from the inside, for it will be protected from the rain later on.

Third: draw the window by using a boardmarker, be careful not to erase the result. But, if you need to erase it, just use the dry cloth.

Fourth: dip the sponge into the paint (not soaking it), then pat the sponge onto the window. You will need patience, patience and patience while doing it :D.

The paint will dry quickly. So, you have to paint one part or picture at a time.

For final touch, prepare the black paint to draw the outline. It would be better and nicer if you scrape the outline first with any blunt object before painting it with black.

Here are some samples of window paintings:

Oo I almost forgot, you will need a whole body massage after doing it. Hahaha :D Good luck! J

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